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Course Units

Unit 3

Color Palette for Hypothetical Client

My hypothetical client was a Medical Clinic

The five colors I chose are:#F62307 #FF391F #FF523B #FF1E00 #660303

My main shade is a basic red and chose it because it's easy to recognize. I chose the light red to use when as the colors for one of the options when in a menu that enables you too. I chose the dark red for the same reason. The accent colors are used for variety to choose from.

Color Palette for Medical Clinic Client
Base Red Lightest Red Darkest Red Accent Color #1 Accent Color #2
#F62307 #FF523B #660303 #FF391F #FF1E00
Color Swatch

Fonts in CSS

There are two main categories of fonts: "serif" and "sans-serif."

This paragraph should appear in Garamond or Georgia, although it may default to another serif font.

This paragraph should show up in Verdana, although it may default to another sans-serif font.

This paragraph should show up in Courier New, although it may default to another monospace font.

This paragraph should show up in Comic Sans, although it may default to another cursive font.

This paragraph should show up in Papyrus, Impact or Copperplate, although it may default to another fantasy font or even Times New Roman.

Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 6

Unit 7

This is a link it's not really useful but you can use it.

This is my website, I'll add more stuff. There's really not much here at the moment but I guess you can stay here if you would like.

Unit 4

Picture of a flower

This is a picture of a flower

(Everything below this line is intended for academic use and does not pretain to the client in any way. This being said you have my permission, as the administrator, to read or visit the resources below.)